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Hi, My name is Heather.
My mission is to help 1 million people simplify their health and wellness without losing their mind through strategies, frameworks, and advice for busy people.
If you've been dieting on and off for years, have a million things going on, and just never seem to get it to stick long term - this is for you. Anybody can be healthy, I've proven it. I've taken people from all walks of life from unsustainable and unhappy to a lifestyle that supports their goals without driving them insane.
It looks different for everybody, but if we can use frameworks to think about and apply these strategies to our own situations - that changes everything. There are a few key things I've found with myself and my clients that just work. My goal is to share as many of those things with you as I possibly can without any fluff - the fluff prevents us from looking at our habits clearly and logically.
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Heather Mae
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Health For Fitness
Your New Year's Resolution is Garbage. (Why + How to Fix It)
Hello, beautiful people and welcome back to the show.
Look, don't shoot the messenger on this one.
I am not here to call you out. I have just seen this year after year and I am sick and tired of it.
I am so sick and tired of it.
I'm going to give you the most common themes. I see across all resolutions, all clients, all backgrounds, but the most common underlying issues with the resolutions and how they tend to pop up and If you can get ahead of them and address them ahead of time and maybe your own resolutions or your own goals for this year.
Ideally, that's all we're doing is we're making it easier and we're making it more efficient for you to get where you want to be.
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Hello, beautiful people and welcome back to the show. Look, don't shoot the messenger on this one. I am not here to call you out. I have just seen this year after year and I am sick and tired of it. Υπότιτλοι AUTHORWAVE I am so sick and tired of it. I'm going to give you the most common themes. I see across all resolutions, all clients, all backgrounds, but the most common underlying issues with the resolutions and how they tend to pop up and If you can get ahead of them and address them ahead of time and maybe your own resolutions or your own goals for this year. Ideally, that's all we're doing is we're making it easier and we're making it more efficient for you to get where you want to be. Number one, challenging your own priorities with your health and fitness. If you're a dad, whose top priority is getting home for family dinner and being present during that time. And the kids get off , whatever it is. Committing to a 5 PM workout routine every single day. Is going to be in direct conflict with your health and fitness. If you're a bartender and you decide that 5am workouts and all these people saying 5am workouts are the best thing. And that's the only thing to do. That's going to suck every single day., because you're running on like three hours of sleep. Probably not the best fit for your lifestyle. Every time your health and fitness is at war with your priorities, your true priorities, which you only have like two or three of. Like truly it will lose no matter what. If you're putting your goals directly up against something that is just simply more important, if you would leave the gym, if your family called and needed something, going to the gym at a time where they're supposed to to be the priority is going to tell you very, very quickly it's going to be very easy to opt out of that workout, pick a time that it's not in contention with that. That's not the exclusive problem here either. It's not just that it's in direct contention with what you truly do care about and truly would rather be doing. It's giving you an excuse that's 100 percent valid. Your 5 p. m. workout time, but the family this, and but the family that, it's always gonna be a valid excuse to put your family first. Of course it is, right? Like, duh, that's a no brainer. It's not confusing. However, why don't we plan it for a time where it's far less likely that a thing that is far more important to you is going to Commandeer your time. A good excuse is still an excuse and it doesn't make it the wrong decision. That's not mutually exclusive. Number two, you're changing things that don't matter. This hurts my soul because you're putting so much effort in because of the things that don't matter. thought that it has to feel or be a certain way. And I'm gonna explain exactly what I mean. For any singular workout regimen or diet plan to be effective, it does not have to be any of the following three things. Hard, sweaty, or sore. Just because something felt really hard doesn't mean it's working you towards your goals. If your goal is to be the strongest dude at the bro gym and you're running 12 miles a day, You're not going to be the strongest dude at the bro gym, because you're not doing the thing that makes you strong. And that sounds like a very dumb example. Uh, duh, obviously. But many, many people spend their time doing the thing that feels the hardest, instead of just taking a step back and going, Okay, what am I working towards? I want to be strong. I want to be smaller. I want to be bigger. I want to be leaner. I want to be faster. I want to be more enduring. These are all different pathways that you take. And this sort of leads into the sweaty and sore. Just because you got sweaty does not mean anything at all. It means less than fucking nothing. It means that your body's mechanisms for homeostasis within your hydration You're good. It's working. Congratulations. You're crushing it. You excrete those toxins, babe, but it's not gonna mean anything about how strong you're getting, how much fat you're losing, none of it. It has no correlation, and please don't even get me started on those belts you wear to just make you sweat more. And soreness, soreness is a tough one, because this one comes with a little bit of a caveat. Soreness, does not equal efficacy. How sore you get does not equal how much you got out of doing a certain exercise. However, soreness can indicate if we are using the correct musculature within the exercise. If say we're deadlifting, very common one, right, people say, deadlifts hurt my back. No, the way you deadlift hurts your back, or the mechanisms in which you need to deadlift correctly are not yet developed, and that's okay. But where you are sore is what is taking the brunt of whatever you're doing. So if you're like, okay, am I reaching my glutes? Am I getting into my hamstrings? Whatever it is. Yes. You can definitely use soreness as an indicator of that. What you're using as a general guide. However, if you are not sore from something, it does not mean that it did not work. And soreness has a lot more to do with recovery speed and really the things outside of the gym after that stimulus and how used to that stimulus you are if you're increasing more than 10%. Your body's gonna put that up as a defense mechanism. It's not just, oh, the muscle got super sore so it was the best workout. That's not how that goes. Number three, you're doing a diet not designed for you. So if you try keto and you feel like hot garbage, even though you lost weight and everyone's like, ketos, the tits, we love keto. And you're like, I guess, but like, is this like kind of awful though? And , what's going on? I have the flu and my breath smells. It was designed for people that have severe medical conditions. For most people trying keto now, this is not a medically prescribed diet anymore. This is like for funsies. If you feel like garbage doing something, that's your body telling you something. Forget all the things you hear online, forget all of the blah blah. If at the end of the day you feel like shit, That is your body telling you, this is bad, this is not the best thing, I do not want this. And you have to find a way to not feel that way. I see this a lot with also just the way you implement your diet. So, I I F Y M, if it fits your macros, tracking your macros, whatever you want to call it, but you hate technology, you hate tracking, you hate having to plug it into your phone, but you're like, this is the way. Nope, it's not. To learn about what's in your food, to maybe understand Okay, I need more protein because I really usually eat more things that are mostly protein than I have today. To have a general grip on where you're at in your day and what that tends to look like for you to reach your goals, absolutely, highly recommend it. However, if you are a person that despises it, you're not going to do it on holidays. You're not going to implement practices like that on your birthday. You're not going to bring elements in of it. It's going to feel like you need a break from it. That's not ideal longterm. For fat loss, we can be slightly unsustainable for a little bit. However. You're not fat loss phase. So say when you reach your goal, it should look like fat loss light. It shouldn't look that different. And therefore you need to find ways to get this done in ways that you don't hate your life. Like, cause you just simply will not stick to it. It's human nature is always going to win at the end of the day. And this kind of leads me into number four. So you complete overhaul all at once. Something like 80 percent of our daily actions and decisions are habit. So just things that we've learned over time that are kind of within our subconscious. It's more automatic. It's easier. There's no decision fatigue involved. When you try to go from the person that does not work out, you do not get up before 11, you can't remember the last time you ate a vegetable, water is like not really in your group of drinks you drink, you all of a sudden wanna be sunrise yoga barbie bitch, you're gonna feel like it's the hardest thing on the planet because it is. You're going against So many of your own habits all at once, And you're also throwing so many variables into the mix that it becomes very difficult to tell what's working and what's not. If your knees are all of a sudden killing you, but you threw in yoga, and running, and CrossFit, and a new this, and a new that, and you're taking this new thing, and you have no idea what the problems or the solutions are coming from, it becomes very difficult to not have to keep all of it up, all of the time. If you're overhauling everything, think about that. That's inherently saying you're changing everything and everything was the way it was for a reason because you liked it that way and finding ways to live the life you like And not sabotage feeling good every day, feeling good about yourself, feeling good in the gym, whatever it is. That's where we want to be. I think the need for dramatics here has absolutely crushed our ability to have any sense of judgment as to, duh, why would this feel good? Why? Why would this work? I'm changing everything all at once. It feels impossible. Why would I stick to this every day? It's going to feel like the hardest thing ever. No, let's modify the things we already do. If you are a person that does tend to overhaul, you're a person that tends to have that sort of approach. I highly recommend doing this. It'll take a day. It's not hard. Get a piece of paper. You're going to break down from the time you get up until the time you go back to bed in 15 minute increments. You are not going to write in it until the 15 minutes has passed, and you are going to be hyper specific about how you spent those 15 minutes. And this is not, oh, you need to be spending every fucking, no, like that's, you're on the wrong, you're definitely on the wrong show. It's not that. It's more so, take inventory of exactly how you are spending your time. Now, okay, what is the bulk of your time going towards? Is that one of your top priorities? If yes, okay, great. Leave those off. Black them out on your little sheet. We're not touching those hours. If no, why the fuck are you spending so much time doing it? Okay. Now, let's go to all the little 15 minute increments. Okay, I just was like fucking around in the kitchen. Write that down. Be honest with yourself. This is not time to lie to the paper. I too have lied to my fitness pal. This is not the time to lie to the paper, okay? Where in there do you have 15, 30 minutes that you can devote to doing something that's more aligned with your goals? Find one block. That's it. 15 to 30 minutes. That's all you need. You can spend that however you deem most productive. And don't tell me you can't come up with an idea. Spend that time meal prepping. Spend it going for a walk. Portion out some snacks because you know you're going to have a busy rest of the week and it'll be easy to grab and go. Think ahead and think, what will make it easier for me to succeed? And just spend that time doing that. I highly recommend picking something different every day to kind of push yourself closer in that direction. The key here is not that this is some magic bullshit unicorn thing that is gonna like skyrocket you to the moon and all of a sudden you're gonna look like Schwarzenegger. That's not how it goes, Ronnie Coleman. Slow it down. What we're gonna think about instead is how long are we likely to do 15 to 30 minutes in a time that we know we're not doing shit else that's important. How much more likely Are you to stick with that then trying to wake up at the crack ass of dawn when you hate mornings and you hate people and going into a class with people who love mornings and talking about, How she already went for a jog today and her hair is somehow curled. You hate her. You hate everything. Don't do that. Literally don't do that. Why are you going to stand there and hate your life the entire time? Like I can't be a nice person at 7 p. m so I don't work out at 7 p. m. Okay. All right. Okay. And if that's not sexy enough for you, I have news. You need to stop looking for the crazy new thing, because if that's not a complex or big enough or whatever it is, you need to get honest about why you haven't made those smaller changes already. If it's so not a big deal, I digress. Okay. Are we still here? Well, if you're still here, you can handle this one. The fifth one is that you're being an impatient cry baby two weeks of no scale movement is not a plateau. A month of no scale movement is not a plateau if you have not been doing the thing, like, 90 percent of the time. If you have been doing the thing for a month, quote unquote, but, unfortunately, a bunch of that time, you were bite of the kids food here, skipping the workout here, you didn't do it cause of this, great grandmas, hamsters, this was the most important, and so we had to go and eat the cake and b sh n n nope. If you are not Sticking to the plan. You are not a bad person, but you do not need to change the plan. Okay? You need to change the approach. We also have to consider, does your plan suck? Perhaps it does, but if you go plan hopping every single time, you don't get results for a few weeks. You are going to have a very hard time getting anywhere. And the worst part is when it's time to transition out of that fat loss phase, you're not going to have any base of habits you've built to transition with. You're not going to have a solid kind of underbelly of what's going on and how you now live your daily life because nothing ever really got established. You were just doing the thing to lose the weight and that's not the goal. The goal is to not have to lose the weight When I say you're being an impatient crybaby, it is not that you need to go harder and you need to suck it, it's not this, this is not David Goggins, like, there's like, I don't carry the boats, I, this is not what this is. What it is, though, is that you cannot be so in your own head that every time the scale fluctuates a little bit, every time we don't see this massive amount of progress every single day, we need to be reasonable and not light the plant on fire, Start building it up from the ground again, and then wonder why nothing seems to be sticking or working and we're up and down on the scale and we can never It's just this cycle we get stuck in. It's the same as the binge eating cycle. It's very hard to get out of once you're in it, and I don't want you to be in it anymore. If you have no idea where to start, Start with the exercise we went over. The two prior episodes of this podcast are also going to help you set up your New Year's resolution. Go back and check those out. Those are gonna be more specific in how to actually set up what you are doing. This was more for me, really, to bitch about what you should not be doing because the more of you that can figure out for free that someone is selling you some bullshit, someone is selling you something that is a sexy crazy thing but it's never gonna stick, the more of you that can figure that out for free, The less of you I have to unfuck later. And that is great news for me. Okay. Because I would like to retire at some point. And the health and fitness bars in house. So it looks like I won't be retiring anytime soon, but. As always, I want to remind you that every single thing I share with you in this show, especially my tone, is that I know that all of this shit is pushed daily on the internet, on podcasts, on everything. Everyone's an expert, everyone's personal trainer and fucking blah blah blah told them this and eggs are evil and it's nobody's fault. There's so much information out there that is Absolutely asinine, some of it fully dangerous. And there's so much profit that is being made off of it, that it is not anybody's fault for being misinformed. Everything I talk about in this show is because I've done it myself. I think by the time I was 15, I'd been on keto, South Beta, Acid, everything. I do this for a living so I can spend a bunch of time finding out all this information and seeing what works on my clients and what doesn't. You probably have a job and kids and shit to do so if I can figure it out for you, let's be friends. If you got anything out of this, please leave a review and I hope you have a fabulous rest of your day and I hope you have the most insanely amazing, beautiful, wonderful, bullshit, magical, unicorn, banana land new year you've ever fucking seen in your lives. Bye guys. Okay. Okay. Okay.